ITK offers neonatal resuscitation simulation training across Estonia
From 16-22 September, East Tallinn Central Hospital is celebrating International Simulation Training Week by announcing that the Women's Clinic's neonatal resuscitation simulation training team is ready for the new season.

The Women's Clinic's neonatal resuscitation SIM (simulation training) team has been active for 7.5 years, with the first training held in 2017. Training sessions are held regularly, once or twice a month, and by now, hundreds of employees from the Women's Clinic, the Emergency Medical Centre and the Centre of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care have completed ETCH's simulation training.
"We are happy to share our experience and knowledge with colleagues from other healthcare institutions across Estonia," said team leader, paediatrician Dr Kadri Margus. "This allows us to provide newborns with the highest level of care and ensure that skills remain fresh and up to date." She added that the staff from Tallinn Children's Hospital and Hiiumaa Hospital have participated in the training and it has also been free of charge for paediatric residents.
The simulation training is highly realistic and carried out by experienced paediatricians and midwives. Training sessions are held either on-site or, when necessary, across Estonia, and all ETCH employees who work with newborns participate at least once every two years. In addition to ETCH staff, anaesthesiologists, emergency medicine residents and nurses have also participated in the training.
In 2022, the SIM team at the Women's Clinic was awarded the title of ‘ETCH Trainer of the Year’, acknowledging their dedication to finding time to plan and conduct training alongside their daily work. They also attend training sessions themselves to further improve their skills.
The SIM team includes Dr Pille Andresson, Head of the Neonatology Department, and midwives Mai Tammaru, Juta Ehrenpreis, Krista Tikan, Marge Ratas and Minni-Triin Novik. The team is led by paediatrician Dr Kadri Margus.
‘Neonatal SIM’, as it is affectionately known among ETCH staff, is a much-needed exercise, as even well-practiced techniques require constant refreshing. "In addition to honing technical skills, the training gives teams the opportunity to develop a shared understanding and cooperation in critical situations," said Dr Margus.
The SIM team has also successfully trained staff from the maternity wards of other Estonian hospitals and the trainers are certified as international simulation training lecturers.