

Rahvusvaheline Enneaegse Sünni päev - sirelililla sünnitusmaja

East Tallinn Central Hospital surprises mothers of premature babies

The purpose of the World Prematurity Day on 17 November is to bring attention to families with premature babies and their concerns, support networks and their ability to cope in everyday life. The neonatology department of the Women’s Clinic of East Tallinn Central Hospital organised a special day for the mothers of premature babies and invited politicians to a round table discussion to raise awareness of problems and find solutions.

ITK sügiskonverents 2022 "Eakas patsient"

Autumn conference of East Tallinn Central Hospital focused on elderly patients

This year, the traditional autumn conference of East Tallinn Central Hospital celebrated its 20th anniversary and was dedicated to elderly patients. The anniversary conference ’Elderly Patient’ had the largest number of attendants with more than 800 people in the room and online. There were participants from East Tallinn Central Hospital as well as other hospitals, health centres, pharmacies, laboratories and the health insurance fund.

Uus PET/KT seade

East Tallinn Central Hospital (ITK) acquires most modern diagnostic equipment

On Wednesday, 9 November, a stationary positron emission tomography (PET) will be officially opened at ITK, which will be used to perform diagnostic examinations mainly for oncological patients. It is a hybrid molecular imaging device that, in addition to PET, has the capability for performing computed tomography (CT), offering two examination devices in one.