
PrenatalSafe screening for twins for a fee

PrenatalSafe screening can be done starting from 10+ weeks of pregnancy until the end of pregnancy.  The screening is suitable for people expecting twins. The test gives results also in case of in vitro fertilisation and in case of using a donor egg/embryo. The chorionicity of the heartbeat and placenta have to be confirmed by ultrasound. For the screening, a simple blood sample is taken from the mother. Before giving the sample, she can eat and drink as usual.  The screening CANNOT be done if the pregnant woman has chromosome anomalies, or a malignant tumour has been diagnosed during pregnancy. In case of a vanishing twin, the latter may influence the result and quality of the screening.

  • THE MAIN PANEL. PrenatalSafe® 3 assesses the risk of foetal trisomies, like those of chromosomes 13 (Patau Syndrome), 18 (Edwards Syndrome), and 21 (Down Syndrome), and includes the determination of Y-chromosome in the sample, giving a hint to the fetal sex.
  • EXTENDED PANEL FOR MONOCHORIONIC (one placenta) PrenatalSafe®Plus assesses the risks of foetal trisomies, like those of chromosomes 9, 16, 13 (Patau Syndrome), 18 (Edwards Syndrome), and 21 (Down Syndrome), the risk of sex chromosomes anomalies XO (Turner Syndrome), XXY (Klinefelter Syndrome), XYY (Jacobs Syndrome), XXX (Trisomy X) and the risk caused by 9 microdeletions (DiGeorge, Cri-du-chat, Prader-Willi, Angelman, 1p36 del, Wolf-Hirschhorn, Jacobsen, Langer-Giedion, Smith-Magenis). In addition, it includes the determination of Y-chromosome in the sample, giving a hint to the foetal sex.
  • EXTENDED PANEL FOR DICHORIONIC (two placentas) TWINS. PrenatalSafe® Karyo test assesses the risk of trisomy for chromosomes 13 (Patau Syndrome), 18 (Edwards Syndrome), and 21 (Down Syndrome), and all other autosomal chromosomes. The screening analyses the whole genome of the foetus. In addition, it includes the determination of Y-chromosome in the sample, giving a hint to the foetal sex.

The cost of the PrenatalSafe screening test for twins is 416 euros. The Illumina VeriSeq (the laboratory located in Italy) test PrenatalSAFE is mediated to East Tallinn Central Hospital by a biotehnology company Tervisetehnoloogiate Arenduskeskus AS  (Competence Centre on Health Technologies, CCHT).